Słownik języka polskiego [selected snippets quoting Church Cyrillic](2000) document 431683
Group publication title:Słownik języka polskiego [selected snippets quoting Church Cyrillic]
Author: Date:2000
Document ID:431683
Primary Language:Old Church Slavonic
Licence:CC BY
Contact: Institution name:Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre
Institution country:Poland
Typeface:various, including Gothic
Primary Script:Cyrillic
Secondary Language:several, German most prominent
Secondary Script:Cyrillic, Church Cyrillic, Greek and Hebrew
Main file width:400
Main file height:21
Date description:first edition 1807-1814, reprint 1995
Library Reference:Katedra Lingwistyki Formalnej UW
Publication place:Warszawa
Scanner model:Fujitsu fi-6130
Physical layout comment:Old Church Slavonic and Russian quotations from the dictionary of Polish language
Document Type:Other
Subset name:PSNC Polish Libraries Set ; All Images