An Elementary Course of Geology, Mineralogy and Physical Geography(1855) document 459639
Group publication title:An Elementary Course of Geology, Mineralogy and Physical Geography
Author: Date:1855
Document ID:459639
Primary Language:Russian
LicenseComment:You shall promptly inform the Library of any actual, threatened or suspected infringement of any intellectual property rights relating to the Materials, or any third party claim of which You become aware. Should any part of the Materials become, or in the Library‟s reasonable opinion is likely to become, Infringing Material, the Library shall have the right to request the removal of such part of the Materials by You.
Contact: Institution name: Institution country:UK
Color depth:24 bit
Primary Script:Cyrillic
Main file width:1226
Main file height:2015
Library Reference:725.e.11
Publication place:London
Document Type:Book
Subset name:BL Institutional Dataset ; 19th Century Books ; BL Demonstrator Set (Development) [Not Groundtruthed]